I know that you don't accomplish anything by making lists, but these are some things that have been on my mind lately and I want to see them all in one place. These are not the super important things in life, but the little things that make a big difference in the end.
1. Read everything.
Toss by 100th page if something isn't good.
2. Collect books.
Even if I never read them again.
3. Utilize minutes.
Examine priorities and consciously choose where my time will be spent.
4. Love people.
Even if they don't deserve it. I certainly don't.
5. Become curious.
Google things, ask questions. Learn about stuff I don't care about.
6. Appreciate beauty.
I never notice sunsets or great views until someone points them out.
7. Be creative.
Decorate, dress up, do arts and crafts.
8. Save inspiration.
Cut things out and hang them up. Keep a notebook to write stuff down.
9. Stop obsessing...
Over organization and control.
10. Make friends.
And keep the old ones. I need to start picking up the phone and calling people.