Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How do we know that the Bible is inerent and ultimately authoritative?

Lucy, I'm counting primarily on you here. :-)


  1. Actually, I think that believing in the Bible is a faith based thing. I mean, what ever anyone believes, no matter what religion, isn't the first step just kind of blind faith?

  2. "it's hard for me to say beyond a shadow of a doubt that this could not have been written by inteligent human beings and not really inspiried by God."

    Compare God's living word to the works of Mark Twain, and then live your life according to each one individually, and tell me which one seems like God and which like a clever human.

  3. I was commenting on a comment Em made but it's disappeared.

  4. Um, YEAH! Faith is the basis of the whole thing! And how, as humans, do we think we can possibly understand the works of GOD! Don't you think his brain is a little bigger than ours????

  5. Hahaha, Mark Twain. That would be ridiculos. But you might be on to something there... it's pretty easy to prove with the facts of reality that people are inately sinful, and a lot of the times when men try to write self-help books the solutions they offer are largely selfish and foolish and faulty.

    But this one book offers advice that is completely good, even when it's not what you would expect, and when people follow it their lives go incredibly well. Maybe the purity and success of the message it preaches proves it's truth better than any point of logic could. That's a good one.

  6. Oooooh, I was about to get really upset there. :-) This is a funny conversations based on comments that have been deleted. No one else is going to know what we're talking about.

  7. Well, every other book is put together by fallible men. ;-)

  8. I remembered something else! The Bible is not a "Ooh, that means one thing to you and another thing to me" book. It doesn't matter what any of us believe. There is only one meaning to all of Scripture. I might word that better later.

  9. Thank you Kacy. You worded it better in your medicated state than I could have. Or did.

  10. I set my tote on the floor of my mom's truck and there was melted snow down there.

  11. That's horrible Lindy!! Did you have any books in there? Your journal??? Oh no. :-(

    That is a really really good point Kacy. I'm mulling all of this over. Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

  12. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
