10. Nail polish
9. The movie Young Queen Victoria
Girls, if you have not seen this movie, you really must. I like to think that my marriage will be just like this if I get married, other than the whole rulling-a-country thing. I've never seen a movie potray marriage so realalistically and yet also so beautifully.
8. Striking poses
7. Discussions about true beauty and PRESUPPOSITIONS
If there is one thing I love about my church, it is that people gasp in excitement when they hear big words. In Sunday School we've been debating weather or not there is an absolute standard for esthetics (the perception of beauty) and it's got the whole church talking- I was part of three discussions throughout the day and a couple during the week on this subject alone. It's very thought-provoking and exciting because I feel like something big is about to fall into place in my thinking.
6. Mix-matched socks
5. Running
I hit my goal milage twice this week! When you run with good music (see #3) or good friends (#1) you don't really want to stop. Now it's time to set a new goal. I'm realizing setting goals and actually reaching them is a really, really good thing and I should do it more often.
4. Incuring Elizabeth's wrath :-P
3. Glee
Synonomous for brilliant, in my perhaps not-so-humble opinion. :-P And when I say Glee, I really just mean Glee music. I've logged so many hours on the season one soundtrack this week it's probably not even good for me. It makes it so easy to imagine an ideal world in which all I do is sing and dance with my friends all day long. And I ask you, is there any better feeling than that?
2. This girl
1. Hanging out with my out-of-town cousins
Yep, the Carlsons are in town for a whole entire MONTH. We've been playing yard games, having photo shoots, planning and shooting a music video, and singing hymns for a whole week now. They come to stay at our house tomorrow. It's going to be stupendous. Not only is my family trully amazing and made up of trully amazing people, but together we have such perfectly summerish good times. Honestly, the sunshine just needs to catch up with us.
And those are at least some of the things that make my life 100% worth living right now. :-)
Ohhhh wow, those pictures are RIDICULOUS. Last time I try to make a photo post, that took forever and they still look convoluted. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI agree about making goals - it's such an amazing feeling when you reach them!
ReplyDeleteI also agree that we have an amazing family. I am so thankful for the evident godliness in you and so many others of the cousins - as well as the great examples that each of our parents provide. What a rare blessing!
See ya later.
P.s. - The new format is beautiful!
I LOVE SUMMER!!!! yah for overall happiness!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh it all sounds like such fun!!! =D Life being worth living is definitely a great feeling and blessing. You should totally post up the music video when you guys finish it :-) What song is it for?
ReplyDeleteREALLY, EMILY???????