Wednesday, December 2, 2009

oh frabcious day, callo-callay

I like today. And the day before, and the day before that. I haven't really had a day I didn't like in a while, all things considered. It's a combination of Christmas and chior and friends and coffee. I'm a happy camper.
Let me tell you about some of the wonderful things that have happened to me lately.
First of all, I turned 20. Weather or not being 20 is a good thing is still up for debate.
closer to moving out
closer getting married
closer to being done with school
closer to being able to drink alchohol.
Just kidding. :-)
closer to dying
furthur from childhood
more responsibility
less excuses.
For my birthday my friends Dan, Christina, Jacob, and Raeshelle came over and surprised me by taking me to the play Meet Me In St. Louis.
It's a story about a happy family in which everyone ends up engaged and no one dies except the dolls. After that I spent the night at the Calvins and the next day my parents gave me lots of gifts and money, and my aunt and uncle came all the way to Puyallup just to deliver a CUPCAKE.
Oh, and it was CARMEL MACHIADO.
On Thanksgiving, my friend Christina got herself an engagement ring.
O<) <---Like this.
I can talk about this now because I think she's already told everyone here who she knows. I am SO EXCITED for them! I am even going to get to be a bridesmaid. But the most important thing is that one of my very best friends in the whole wide world found someone who loves her and will take good care of her f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Congrats to Dan&Kina!
On Monday, we had our first Victorian Country Christmas rehersal. We have an AMAZING stage. It is huge and it has houses on it, complete with built-in baby Jesus. Tonight will be our first performance.
tonight the super trooper lights are gonna find me, shining like the sun...
the mall and our house and the community center we dance in have been decorated for Christmas! I LOVE shopping around Christmastime. In the very center of our mall is a tree so big you could live in it, like indians in a tipi. And the MUSIC is everywhere!
So yeah.
That's about the gist of it.


  1. mnm-
    I love you!!!!
    not only did you make a nice big happy post that made me smile (at least SOMEONE is having a good week), but you incorporated Lewis Carrol into it! only an orange adverbial mnm like yourself could do such a wondrous thing.

    wow, your week sounds like it was amazing. I'm really glad! maybe I will soon have a week like this too! I'm holding out for the first week of break....


  2. awesome! i'm super happy for you! ^_^

  3. Yay for happiness!!!! I love christmastime also!

  4. Aha man you just can't help but be happy reading such a post as this :-) glad you're having such a great life lately, Em!! I so love Christmastime... all the lights and decorations and music 'n stuff... ahhh awesomeness =D It's all such a joyful time.

  5. oh and on a side note... my brother just waked down here and looked over my shoulder. He misread your blog to say "Belly Jeans" LOL.

  6. I LOVE THIS POST. Its amazing with all the colors and fonts and sizes.
    and I love the mall at christmas, too. That I want one that size in my room. Except, i'm not sure it would fit, even laying on its side.
    And i just had to point out, that every day you are a step farther from childhood, closer to getting married, and closer to death. :) Happy thought, right?
