Sunday, January 11, 2009

I thought this was potentially life-changing...

From Stepping Heavenward:

Question: How shall I offer my purely insignifican actions to God; such as walks, visits made and received, dress, little proprieties, such as washing the hands, etc., the reading of books of history, buisness with which I am charged for my friends, other amusements, such as shopping, having clothes made, and furniture. I want to have some sort of prayer, or method of offering each of these things to God.

Reply: It is not necessary to make great efforts nor acts of great reflection, in order to offer what are called insignificant actions. It is enough to lift the soul one instant to God, to make, a simple offering of it. Everything which God wishes us to do, and which enters into the course of occupation suitable to our position, can and ought to be offered to God; nothing is unworthy of Him but sin. When you feel that an action cannot be offered to God, conclude that it is not appropriate for a Christian; it is at least necessary to suspect it, and seek light concerning it. I would not have a special prayer for each of these things, the elevation of the heart at the moment is sufficient.

As for visits, commissions and the like, as there is danger of following one's own taste too much, I would add to this elevating of the heart a prayer for grace to moderate myself and use precaution.