Saturday, July 30, 2011

Four Week Update

Yep, you read that right- we only have four more single Saturday mornings like this one to spend apart, me at my parents kitchen table trying to attack the wedding to-do list while Danny is hard at work on the renovation thirty minutes a away. Granted, there are many things I will miss about Single Saturdays- like hearing Ethan describe all the funny parts in last night's movie all over again and seeing Dad predictably walk in with his Saturday-only cup of store-bought coffee and sit down to observe his household and maybe read the paper. Sometimes it seems that leaving everything you've ever known is a high price to pay for a new life full of unseen bends in the road, but when I think about the man I love and the riches we will be gaining just in being together, I know it's totally worth it. Besides, Danny is a part of my family now and I a part of his, so there will never be an end of these kinds of mornings, though they may be fewer and further between.

God has been so, so good to us in recent days. First, through an unexpected turn of events, I ended up with the wedding dress I've been eyeing wistfully since I got engaged- possibe only due to my mom's willingness to spend hours working on alterations on top of everything else she's got going on. And this week our entire church family has come together to help clean up the building and grounds so everything will be in top shape for the wedding. It makes me wonder what we possibly did to deserve such incredible people in our lives when I look around me to see everyone chipping in so cheerfully and willingly. Obviously, we don't deserve it- and that's what makes it so incredible! Honestly, these people have taken the initiative to do things I never would have had the motivation to oversee myself.

And the renovation Danny is working on in the church nursery is going far better than expected, with inspections passing right and left and no shortage of help from friends and family. We're hoping to move in there for a while after the wedding, and so far it's looking like it may actually be done in time or shortly after- which is a blessing we didn't think we could count on.  

I just found out where we're going on our honeymoon and have already begun packing. Needless to say, after how busy we've been lately, we could probably be in an igloo up in Antarctica and still be perfectly content just to have uninterrupted time together- but when instead we get fine dinning, dancing, cooking lessons, and a porch with spectacular views- well, I don't even know how to handle that much bliss. You'll have to guess where we're going because it's more fun not to tell you. :-P

As I said, God has been needlessly and extravagantly good to us. I know that even this time has it's dross mixed in, and I know that our life together will not always be so sun-kissed- but I think we will always remember and come back to the joy of these days and hopefully remember to be thankful.  

Next week I head off to be a councilor at the summer camp I've been to almost every year since third grade. It's my first time doing this and I'm SO excited to escape wedding madness for a week and focus on my group of girls! When I come back, hopefully renewed and ready to face crunch time, we will have only a little over a week before out-of-town relatives start coming in. I can't wait!! Meanwhile, Danny will be working around the clock on the remodel and we would appreciate prayer for that. There won't be any getting away and resting up for him, and though he tends to be a lot like the energizer bunny this way, I'm sure he'd still appreciate it if things continued to go smoothly.

Thanks for reading. See you all on the 26th!  
