Friday, August 19, 2011

forever love

Wow. I have not posted on this for quite a long time.

So, exciting news blog! I'm engaged.

And getting married one week from today.

My thoughts on this are too far and wide to really capture in a blog post. I just know that I've been learning a lot of lessons and experiencing a lot of joy and a lot of surprise and wonder as I realize what a real life, forever kind of relationship looks like. And I've been realizing exactly who I am, which is something I've been trying to realize since junior high.

So that is that. My happy beginning is just around the corner. From here on out this blog will most likely turn into a really boring montage on recipes, house decorating, and eventually stories about my kids that no one else will really find all that amusing. Somehow, I don't care. I've found my nitch, and I look forward to fulfilling all the little cliches.

Of course, I will always be me. I'll always be a romantic and always prefer fiction to reality, I'll always look at other people with my own secret amusements and delights- always have that streak of stubbornness that will keep me from becoming exactly as demure or housewifeish as perhaps I could be. It seems my imperfections are always the one thing I can't leave behind, even in this greatest of all changes. How blessed am I to have a guy who knows them and can not only overlook them, but help me to grow in them!

I think that's all. I will talk to you all again on the other side of this great divide- in the vast unknown of the future. How solemn, overwhelming and thrilling this all is! Ekk! :-)